Grants and Loans

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NCORR offers grants up to $1 million to financially distressed local and tribal governments for short-term assistance with everyday operating expenses such as general payroll, certain non-disaster-related vendor payments and debt service. Grants can also be used to expand capacity for disaster recovery, including funding up to two time-limited positions, contracting for disaster recovery services and purchasing a vehicle.

NCORR is no longer accepting applications for this grant program, all funds have been obligated at this time.

Revolving Loans

NCORR offers zero-interest loans up to $2 million for assistance with disaster-related expenses while local governments await reimbursement from federal disaster response, recovery and resiliency programs. If approved, the municipality must repay the loan principal amount once it receives federal reimbursements.


State revolving loans are available for counties (under G.S. 153A-10), incorporated municipalities (under G.S. 160A-1(2)) and tribal governments (under G.S. 71A) designated under a major disaster by the President of the United States under the Stafford Act (P.L. 93-288) as a result of Hurricane Matthew (DR-4285), Hurricane Florence (DR-4393), Hurricane Dorian (DR-4465) or Tropical Storm Michael.